Back into the groove now. Today the service happened and the tree was used again, this time becoming a vine. Only two weeks left of the tree. It's going to be sad...
Today was mainly about Civil Partnerships. I had been away most of last week and left the blog with the Civil Partnership debate. I expected to come back to a whole host of comments of all sorts, but in the end there were just four and it all seemed a bit of an anti-climax. It was a bit like that this morning. Hardly a comment at all. Three in fact. Two in support of Civil Partnership blessing and one acknowledging the controversy of the topic. In truth, with one or two exceptions (and I think it must be about that) this isn't a hot topic but one the majority of folk seem happy to live with and indeed tacitly support it. Tuesday's General Assembly may be like that after all the hype. Who knows. We wait with baited breath.
However, the rest of the week doesn't stop and next Sunday the subject is the juicy topic of how do you elect folk to carry on the mantle: dice, cross fingers, first past the post, straws? We're not a democracy in the church, we're Presbyterian which is always much better fun!
So thoughts on music, themes, threads, contemporary moments, words that jump out from the text? Do let us all into yourn thoughts...
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