Michael sent this. Wondered about doing some pledges on the blog here. If folk have pledges or comments then I could turn them into a thing like we did for the Wilderness Blessing for Lent. So go read and see if you're willing to do something. No names, no pack-drill, just the comment you want to make. You could email it to me, or just add it as a comment and we could get something going. We could even use it in worship on the 4th June which is Pentecost and use one of the boards in the corridor etc. Lots of things... unless we don't get anything!!
The 5th of June is designated by the UN as World Environment Day. As
part of that, EA are asking people to sign up to some (or all) of 10
simple pledges to help the environment. Website here
The main UN website is here. And there are some of the most stunning photos in the gallery which tell quite a frightening story. Go see
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