Morning Liturgy
Big Shout
We say thanks to the morning (shout)
We say merci to the sun (shout)
We say yabonga to the dawn (shout)
We say gratsi to the universe (shout)
We say gracias to the world (shout)
We say tack to each other (shout)
We say shuka ria to creation (shout)
We say alleluia to our God (shout)
This joy that I have (Junior Praise)
The sun rises and will set
And you are there God
The day begins and the day ends
And you are there God
The rain falls and the sun shines
And you are there God
We breath in and we breath out
And you are there God
Our heart beats and our eyelids blink
And you are there God
We say this and we do that
And you are there God
Everywhere we find you
In every face
small or large
in every hand
young or old
in every word
loud or soft
in every thought
deep or shallow
in every step
fast or slow
in every moment
filled or empty
there you are
Say our names, God
hold us close
shape our living
and make us yours
so be it
Small Shout: Lord’s Prayer in different versions
ur spshl.
we want wot u want
&urth2b like hvn.
giv us food
&4giv r sins lyk we 4giv uvaz.
don't test us!
save us!
bcos we kno ur boss,
ur tuf&ur cool 4 eva!
(winner of the shortest text version of the Lord’s Prayer)
The morning Quiz – Prodigal: will, money, pig food
On the spot (Story)
Telling the story of the prodigal up to the point of wondering if he should return and what may happen is he did.
20-20 Vision
Place tissue on the window with spray water
During this song, process in with food and pour is over the table. Make a show of it and pour srisps from a height and make the table look filled.
Come to the banquet, there’s a place for you. (Seasons of the Spirit)
Though you maybe have no money,
Though you maybe feel unworthy,
In you strength or in your weakness
You are welcome, come.
See you are an honoured guest
From constant serving you may rest;
So sit you down, be fed and blessed
For you are welcome, come.
Woman, wise one, mother maiden,
See your plate with food is laden
And your place is set and waiting.
You are welcome, come.
Worker, father, little boy,
Old man or youth without employ,
Come rest your worry, here is joy,
And you are welcome, come.
Whether you’ve been lost or faithful,
whether you’ve been wise or wasteful,
Here’s a place of rest and grace,
And you are welcome, come.
Here is one who runs to meet you
Loving arms stretched out to greet you.
Do not let your fear defeat you.
You are welcome, come.
Shout it! - Statement
(Emphasis the bold words)
We believe our great big God
will never to let us go,
but God will let us walk the world
so we will always know
that every footstep we all take
is shaped and held in grace,
and God will walk along with us
and always at our pace.
And when we choose to turn for home
and take the journey long
God is already waiting there
to welcome us with song.
A table filled with bread and wine
will be there as the host,
and God with open heart and arms
will welcome home the lost.
Invite people, as we send ourselves out, to come to the table and feast
Prayer for others
For everyone born a place at the table (CH4)
Sending Out
May the sky stretch above you;
may your day be as deep as it is long;
may each breath you take expand with grace;
and may God’s footprints today,
be exactly your size.
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