After a morning where we found Tabatha alive and well even though she was a woman(!) next week we find another character Cornelius but I bet you've at least heard of him unlike Tabatha. Just shows you what we do to women in the Bible.
But if you can tell me anything about the story of Cornelius then you get 10 extra points.
First you need to know a bout the big picnic heaven organised. It's massive. It's a bit like one of those Fa=mous Five picnics with ampers and lashing of ginger beer all round. Excelt heaven's hamper contains lashings of unclean animals all round. It's as if God is nudging Peter and saying: come on, tear down some walls and let everyone in, and al the Jews are saying, Whoa God, have you thought about this, We don't want to let in the unclean. (Bit like the Darleks in last night's Dr Who). And God kind of raises the divine eyebrows and has this look that kind of says, "I can't believe you don't get it yet".
Then Corneluis enters the scene: yup, you've guessed it: unclean, foreign gentile. Yuck. And then Peter begins to get it. The penny drops, the lights go on, the car starts, the key turns, the door opens. So it wasn't Paul who was the first to open up the church to the Gentiles, but Peter. And Corneluis was there at the front of the queue.
Don't you love it when God finally gets heaven's way! What would you sing in celebration? Help shape the ideas that go into the service on Sunday.
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