I was asked to write a few eco prayers so I did. I always do what I'm told. But because time was short and there were a tonne of other things to do, that's when the muse usually shows up and I rewrote 'Who put the colours in the rainbow'. It's not very good but a few more verses would be great. Over to you. Here's what I've got so far. (Part verses are also acceptable).
Who took the colours from the rainbow? Who put the acid in the rain?
Who poured the heat into the icecaps? Have you got a name?
Who gives the humph to greedy business? Who sticks their neck out for the land?
Who believes the tail of eco-politics and who will take a stand?
Listen to the whales and snails. Listen to the fragile frogs.
Listen to the people plead. Listen to the world.
Who put the global into warming? Who stole the ozone from the sky?
Who’s pollution coloured red the moonlight? Who won’t question why?
Who puts the cents into the lobbying? Laugh when MP’s do the eco-dance?
Who has turned each tree into a business? Surely that’s not chance!
Who makes money out of these? Who just does whatever they please?
Who prolongs this eco-disease? Is it you and me?
Here's the original:
Who put the colours in the rainbow? Who put the salt into the sea?
Who put cold into the snowflake? Who made you and me?
Who put the hump upon the camel? Who put the neck on the giraffe?
Who put the tail upon the monkey? Who made hyenas laugh?
Who made whales and snails and quails? Who made dogs and hogs and frogs?
Who made rats and bats and cats? Who made ev'rything?
Who put the gold into the sunshine? Who put the sparkle in the stars?
Who put the silver in the moonlight? Who made Earth and Mars?
Who put the scent into the roses? Who taught the honey bee to dance?
Who put the tree inside the acorn? It surely can't be chance!
Who made seas and leaves and trees? Who made snow and winds that blow?
Who made streams and rivers flow? GOD MADE ALL OF THESE!
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