There's a sexy word to get you all interested. Sadly, I've been reading about ordination for a meeting next week. There are two reports in the 'Blue Book' whic is the published reports of the church for General Assembly each year. But thse reports are from 2000 and 2001. What do we understand about ordination? Good question (if you like that sort of thing) but the chruch really doesn't quite know. There's quite a bit of thought.
So why ask academic theologians when you can ask real people: Ordination, what is it, about this word that give you the heebie-jeebies and what makes you want to dance all night? (restrict this to ordination, please). I've a very low opinion of ordination. It's not really about the person being set apart but about the duties performed. (Of course some should be set so far apart they don't come into contact with other humans). It's about the ordering of ministry rather than saying some are closer to God. It doesn't admit you to a new status.
Now I know you've known ordination in the flesh in this place and it does bring a different status to people (from china cups being used to questions about what people can dress in) so I'm interested: ordination - what is it that this word does to people? Not the most exciting post on this blog but I'm thinking about ministry of All God's People and such like and how we feel oursevles energized and affirmed in congregations and if ordination has got much to do with that.
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