Ruth, our student has an essay to write with week about ministry and the essay topic asks her to thing about a symbol that tells a bit of the story of ministry for her. We had a bit of a discussion this morning about those symbols and came up with a few but then we thought that wold be a great exercise for folk to do in the congregation. So this weeks task is to spend some time when you really ought to be doing something else, to think up an image of ministry and explain why.
What we came up with were:
A tree: roots deep, life in the branches, all the grow takes place on the egde of the wood and the solid core keeps it upright.
A spider: it is genetically programmed to spin the same web every time. Give it LSD (Don't ask how we know that) then it goes mad but as the drug wears off the ptter returns to what it has always done (This is an anti-symbol) because we're AREN'T meant to do all the same things in the same way all the time.
A giraffe: Huge heart to pump all the blood but to the head but when it lowers its hea to drink then it would have a stroke with the pressure of blood so the heart slows down and then knows it needs to pump bigtime again when it raises it's head or it would fall over with light headedness. Also giraffes have the best surgical stockings in nature otherwise it wouldmhave the best varicous veins in nature. Like ministry because it has a big heart and needs to respond to different conditions in diffeent ways.
Now top that!
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