The Independent had a frightening fact as their headline today. In the next 24 hours, deforestation will release as much CO2 into the atmosphere as 8 million people flying from London to New York.
Figures from the Global Canopy Project, summarising the latest findings from the United Nations, and building on estimates contained in the Stern Report, show deforestation accounts for up to 25 per cent of global emissions of heat-trapping gases, while transport and industry account for 14 per cent each; and aviation makes up only 3 per cent of the total.
"Tropical forests are the elephant in the living room of climate change," said Andrew Mitchell, the head of the GCP.
But you know the amazing thing? There is something you can do. Clearly until keeping the forests becomes something that generates more income by remaining as they are rather than cutting them down then there isn't much hope but the Global Canopy Programme has an idea on that that seems possible. I wonder how we can support it? Go here for the article in the Independent today and also their own website.
The image is some of the participating in the eco church west network meeting at the weekend as well as our own eco group.
This is all in the echo of the eco-church network meeting we held at the weekend. It's just boosted the eco life in me again which is what I needed. So well done the eco-group. It's back on the agenda for us in a more significant way than it has before.
Can we show Al Gore's film in the church sometime? Can we do a kind of a day like we had at the weekend ofr the whole congregation? And the next bio-mass communion?
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