Well, today was okay. Story was quite long but then there was a lot of story to get through. Moses had a lot to do but then he did live for a rediculous number of years. Thankfully we managed to get it all lived within the hour. Next week will be a little less long. Joshua had an easy life compared to Moses.
Anyway, that takes us on to Joshua andwondering about his story. We've had big scenary over the last three weeks and it would be good to keep that up. So ideas...? The obvious one would be Jericho and the walls come tumbling down. How would we do that?
Or are there other parts of the story that would make better scenary? Joshua parted the Jordan much like Moses did the Red Sea. Was this ust copycat parting or the same story told twice, or Joshua feeling he didn't want to be outdone?
The other thing to think about is how to tell the story. Today's sort of worked but it was really just a 'This is your Life' kind of thing rather than telling a story which is what was meant to happen. So ideas will always be gladly received.
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