I've been on a course today. The church offers these fairly regularly and I thought I ought to go one one eventually. This one is aout discerning direction and navigating change. I know I am giving you these completely out of context but wondered if any of the quotes stirred your soul at all:
We love questions: they help us make things better.
We are a friendly church! But with whom? Friendship is marked not with tea and biscuits but with bread and wine.
We need messy churches because people have messy lives and let God come and unmess the mess.
These are just a few things I wrote down with a whole lot of other stuff behind them that I'll unpack here at a leter date once I've got stuff sorted in my mind, if that ever happens. But do any of these hit a truth for you?
When we're in the business of informing the future that we are about to arrive into it there are a number of signposts and stories that help shape that future. Is there one for you and your connection with Abbotsford as we face the future? What story from the Bible or image from our traditions (and there are a number of traditions) have we picked up to help us shape the future: salt, leaven, body, exodus, bread and wine?
And if we were to live with a Biblical story for a while in the congegation over a month say, what story would you choose and why? What does it speak into our journey/adventure?
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