Well probably better than last week in terms of hymns in that I didn't get any complaints today though I avoided talking about the service to anyone. Sad or what! Except the Gap who thought the hymns were dreadful! (Ps 23, King of Love, Praise my soul etc). So that was a bit of a laugh!
I even got a few volunteers after the sermon to help go round some doors and knock and say hello and invite them to church. I don't know how many other churches locally do that. From conversations with folk it seems everyone is doing it. I've been told the JW's, RC's and Elim have all been doing it recently. Is this true? If it is going to be seen as just 'another set of religious nuts scouting for business' then maybe a different tack would be better, though I'm not trying to find a way out of doing door to doors.
What do people feel about doing door to door mission work? It would be the same as we did last couple of times of knocking on the door, saying hello, giving away a wee leaflet and that would be it, no long dicussions, no questions about eternal salvation, nothing other than a hello and a good-bye.
This is part of a whole lot of other stuff too like CAOS and special themed services where we'll invite special groups who work in the community to have a service with us. Groups like MS, like stepping stones, like schools, and celebrate with them and just get people in the door. So it is all part of a bigger 'rollout' of living in the community.
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