Here's the rest of the leaflet we might be able to use for door-to-door and information and stuff like that. Do offer your thoughts on yesterdays as well as this one.
We believe in worship in Abbotsford.
New and old ways are mixed together and
it’s not always what you expect. We mix
the ancient traditions with some new ones
so it’s creative, colourful, affirming, involves
others and has a focus on children yet loving
to each adult too, meeting God in everyone.
We believe in creativity, the way God does it,
not just in different art forms like image and
storytelling but creative with our lives too,
living by fairtrade (many of us), in tune with
the environment (a growing number of us),
asking the questions we always wanted to ask
and preferring the adventures questions lead
to rather than the answers that finalise it all).
We believe in the Bible, that it is full of
mystery, a difficult history that can’t always
be taken at face value, but is the story of
God’s people of faith that has changed the
world, often for the better, but we know in all
honesty, not always.
We believe in the fullness of life. We’re not
here for just the bad bits. We like celebrating
things – anything, finding most excuses are
good enough for one of God’s parties.
We believe in children, that God gives them
a priority in our faith community. Their insight,
play and daring answers bring us life.
We need them as much as they need adults.
We believe in the environment, winning an
eco-congregation award 2007. We reduce,
reuse and recycle, recognising our world is
broader than just the space we live in, and
deeper than the people we live with. And God
is the first and still the best environmentalist.
We believe in a just community between
ourselves and those who are our neighbours of
all faiths and none. We love blethering with
folk, helping folk, supporting the things that
build a better and stronger and more just
community, together. Justice is God’s way.
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