Well, we ought to be singing Christmas carols all the way through today and right up to next Sunday which is better known in the liturgical trade as Epiphany. It's the time we remember the travelers/Magi/wise ones arriving at Jesus' hoose. But if you read your bible at all you'll notice it isn't the stable they arrive at but a 'house' and it's probably somewhere up to 2 years after Jesus was born because the story of the slaughter of the innocents (which, by the way, has no historical evidence) tells us children up to 2 years were on the list.
Anyway, that is all by the way. I quite like the word 'Epiphany'. We keep trying to explain it but it really stands on its own. Epiphany: the moment the lightbulb goes on. Epiphany: the Aha. Epiphany: when sense comes all over you. Epiphany: when when you see everything as clear as day for that fleeting second. A great word.
However, I'm not into singing carols so late after Christmas and nor am I into talking of the magi so long after the day, so what to do this coming Sunday? The Gospel passage is the visit of the 'wise men'. So we could read that and do something about the meaning of Epiphany. Alternatively we could go with some other passage. Isaiah 60:1-6 is one of the other offerings for the week and is slightly better. It mentions gold and frankincense but also mentions light to the nations too. Maybe there is stuff there about epiphanies, revelations, a-ha moments. 'Look around you and see what is happening'. That's quite good. Go and find the epiphanies. Go and wrestle with the search. Step out on the journey. Don't think it will arrive where you are. It's you who has to move, not the light. (but unpresbyterian if you ask me. I've been in this pew for that last 50 years and I'm not going to move now, not ever for the light of God')
Basically the theme is 'Get off your camel and seek the light.'
So what hymns and words and symbols and thoughts and ideas and images and music and sermon titles? Hey, just answer that last one: if you were to give a title to an epiphany sermon, what would it be?
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