Jusy a wee reminder that Ruth's thanksgiving service for passing exams and still breathing is on Thursday in Faifley Church at 7pm. It's going to be great and you are all invited along. It's got some stuff in it that may be interesting to us all so do pop in if you are free on Thursday and bring your friends.
But of course, she's back on Sunday with us and the Sunday following that. And we're off on a romp with Joseph. Andrew Lloyd webber really doesn't have a patch on what we will be doing.
And in the echo of Sunday, Jospeh, while it may be based on some character in the past, we just don't know. It is, however a perfect short story, and the only story we have that is from one source alone from start to finish without editing. It was told word of mouth for about 1000 years before it was written down during the Exile along with all the Exodus stories and the Hebrews tried to make sens eof their bondage in a foreign land. These stories from their 'mythical' past made sense more in Babykon than anywhere else. They gave them hope and meaning and trust in a God who won't let them go. Rock on Joseph (and Ruth).
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