I thought the singing was good again this morning though not as many people there as during the summer services. Is this significant? The summer services were consistently busy as they were the last couple of years. Busier than a normal Sunday quite often. Should we be doing the summer format more often? Have we got the right level with all-age/creativity during the summer?
The service itself was quite interesting for me as I haven't 'preached' as such for about 2 months. So it was good to cram everything into one week! I did like the contemporary reading best today however. the whole breathing gods name was just right for me.
And even the offering thing worked okay I think. I'm sure the offering will go down because it is now collected at the door and people will miss it but the doxology was okay and many people took the initiative in sitting down once it was finished though it was a bit of a Mexican Wave. That will be sorted next week. Having said that, I'm not sure the doxology is long enough for me to get info from the duty folk who have brought down the offering of the notices I've forgotten.
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