This is the weekend with most to gain or lose. I get really stressed about the services we have on this weekend: the nativity Service and the carol Service because these are major shop windows. You are more likely to get people not normally at church at these services and so the pressure is on. However, today went well I thought. There were some deep moments and excellent reactions from children which interpret the whole thing for adults who engage more with reaction to the nativity than the nativity itself, as it should be.
I thought the nativity play went well. When it was first put together I wondered if it was all a bit long winded because it wasn't written for children to read but adults however I think it worked well. And of course, there is always the highest of expectations at this service so it generally goes fine. People like being together. Why we don't all do it more often I really don't know.
The other service is the carol service which has become a serious tradition for us of a very contemporary version of the nine lessons and carols but with the lessons all contemporary and usually completely original material. Here expectations are even higher than the morning but whn it goes well it is often one of the best services we do. I'd really love far more people to come along for that reason (even though there is always a good number there: it isn't exactly quiet!) but if we could get more in the door perhaps they may come more regularly to church or at least see that as a possibility.
How do we sell it bette? To me it is a service for folk to really see the church at it's best: an excellent mixture of theology and laughter, pointing out true meaning as well as being a bit profane. A good holy combination.
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