What would folk feel if we did what we are doing with the sunday school at the moment, with the adults, or at least offer the opportunity?
The Sunday School have been revisiting the same Holy Week story over the last four weeks in different ways: storytelling, art and craft, drama and movement, drumming and sound. Each one has been really good in its own way offering different insights into the story as well as replaying the story again and again. The children seem to have really got into it and enjoyed all the different activities.
It did get me wondering, seriously, if it could be an option for adults (at some later date with some different story) to go to 'sunday school' and do some of this stuff. I have no idea how to organise that, what it would take, what the response would, be but in principle, the idea seems pretty sound to me. There would of course be a sermon option always as part of the whole thing but also the oportunity would be for adults to visit and engage with bible story in a more interactive way and probably a whole lot more fun.
As for this morning, I enjoyed the scripture readings and contemporary reading but I've found it really difficult to make up the 10-15 minutes that we have cut out from the all-age part so the Sunday School can get as much time for their stuff as possible. The sermon is longer now, there is an extra hymn, the contemporary reading is longer also but I feel we are just stretching it to fill in the time.
So my genuine questions is (and this isn't finshing for anything other than thoughts) do people feel the adult part is noticably longer? Are people bored or encouraged? What can we do instead, or what extra thing can we do together to help deeper engagement?
I know sermons not that long ago were always longer than the 12 minutes we normally have but you get very used to that length of time. Anything longer, I feel guilty about. And so I've tried more popular hymns thoughout lent but it still feels, to me, we're stretching it a bit.
So two questions for this week:
1. do you imagine some adults would like the opportunity to do what the Sunday School have been doing
2. how can we make the services feel less lengthy, if that is how they do in fact feel.
(Note that we'll be going back to the normal model after Easter with classes in the sunday school and a 12 minute sermon)
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