We were being assessed for our second eco-congregation award. It went well.
Last night some of us were at Holy City and at the Climate Change workshop. It didn't go well!
It didn't go well inasmuch that by the end of it we were stressed and depressed by what we still need to do to move on our carbon footprint. I won't go into all the statistics at the moment but will later in the week. This is Carbon Footprint Week on the blog and to start us off, go to the Act On CO2 calculator to work out you household or individual tonnage of Carbon. Then if you'd like to admit it, you can post here what yours is. I'll tell you mine soon.
The workshops was lead by a friend of mine who is working for the Scottish government towards Copenhagen. This climate summit is massively important because we are at the end of the 11th hour in order to stop climate change making a real difference to the planet within the next 50-100 years, or we are already too late and what we must work on now is trying to limit the 'damage'.
This discussion is going to be a good one during the week and I know there are lots of interested parties who would like to take part. But first, let's do a bit of confession and admit to our carbon footprint. And as you do that, the government and scientists etc around the world agree that each our our footprints need to between 1 and 1.5 tonnes a year. Go see how yours compares.
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