How do you write a Baptismal Liturgy on-line? Never done that before. So here's the first part which is open to all edits and thoughts and additions. We'll look at the other parts tomorrow. The story of Sunday is Jesus stilling the storm.
This is someone we know who is being baptised. What words of faith do we wish to give her? What promises from our own experience do we wish to offer? What words of God do we wish to speak through the water?
Here is the sign of belonging
in every storm
where everyone born
is given a promise
a name
and a place to belong
This water, rought or still, while the same as any other water
is also God’s claim on us
God’s welcome of us
where there is nothing in all the universe that can separate us
from God’s love
So in Baptism we remember this everlasting grasp of love
given to N_______ today
and that reminds us of God’s love for each of us
Calling us through
transforming us within
and transfiguring the world
where God dwells
among us and through us
and travels with us in every storm
Let us pray:
In a world of water
You take water and we are born through it
You were baptised just as we are
And said you were the living water
that we need never thirst again
Your waters bore the world in her creation
and bear us too
We bring N_______ to the very edge of heaven today
Holding her/him on the brink of eternity
Making her/him your newest follower in the realm of love
So please, please do add, edit, subtract, question this liturgy so far. Anything at all. It's not mine, but words of the community to this newest of followers. It's is all our words. Let's get our paws mucky with liturgy and love.
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