I received this White Paper from DFID (Dept for International Development) which this and many other congregations have been asked to read and comment on. I'd like to do that as it is a while paper on 'eliminating global poverty' and people of faith have something to say about and many are trying to live that kind of lifestyle (albeit not hugely successfully) as our MP has recognised.
So I wondered about doing the weekly discussion night again for a number of weeks taking a chapter at a time discussing and commenting on. We should start that fairly soon so how about Thursday 10th, 7.30, church. The paper can be found here or on the DFID website (there's a sort version here) and there is even a wee video from Douglas Alexander though he looks a wee bit scared.
Talking of Douglas Alexander, he's coming to St Augustine's Church, High Street in Dumbarton on Friday 4th September at 7.30 to talk about it. Everyone is invited. I hope to go. Anyone else?
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