This is part of our communion liturgy for tomorrow evening. We'll have been in the church retelling stories from the Bible and singing psalms as people used to do here 50 years ago,m round the piano in people's homes of a Sunday evening. Then we will come through to the hall for supper and long table communion. This is the prayer of thanksgiving (sort of)...
When all our stories mingle in
this one story
and all our hopes come together
we break bread
because it is all we can do
for the cross looms
and before sunrise you will be
and tortured
may we break bread with you
that you may go through tomorrow
knowing we have tasted heaven
its sorrow and bitter cup
its brokenness and shattered
may we break bread with you
that we may accompany you
shoulder your cross when you no
longer can
speak of love when your throat is
too dry
face what is being done when the
world turns it’s back
and with the full horror of your
sing the broken lines of the
angels promise
Holy, holy, holy
God of power and might
heaven and earth are full of your
hosanna in the highest
Blessed is the one who comes in
God’s name
hosanna in the highest
Come this night
and break bread with us
Spirit of Jesus
that we may feast
on the brokenness of heaven
So be it
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