can you hear them?
they are crying out
in loves name
crowning him prince of peace
‘hosanna to the bread breaker’
they are crying out
to the man of sorrows
salvation’s gargoyle
and heaven’s menace
they are crying out
naming the healer
naming the befriender
naming the imbiber and table
friend of sinners and
it is a shout not heard in the
corridors of power or of faith
teaming with the justice of God
this shout is the oppressors
the torturer’s enemy
the racist’s traitor
betraying what is wrong
in the dissenting arguments of
the world
the shout that exposes the
silence of the status quo
and fills it out with the promise
of heaven
the truth about Jesus
and the call of love
and when the crowd turns away
and the people vote for Barabbas
when the disciples run in fear
and the fearful choose to silence
the man
still they cry out
not the followers
not the believers
not the fishermen or the women
not the church or her Christians
not the angels or the saints
but in the greatest silence and
deepest darkness
of the moment after death
crushed at the tomb of a broken
then they cry out their loudest
a long, deep, slow, rumbling
of the tombstone as it rolls
listen if you have ears
the very stones are crying out
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