John 21:19-31
This is the difference between seeing and believing, or better seeing what is true and believing what is true. For one you need eyes and the other you need your heart and soul.
I wonder if is actually makes one iota of difference if Thomas actually saw Jesus in the flesh and if it was that that made the difference for him. I have met folk who see miracles but don't want to believe them. I know I have done that too: seen thing that I didn't want to believe. But when I see with my heart and soul then I really see. I see that Jesus isn't just standing there in the middle of the dusty room but that life have been returned to the world; I see that Jesus isn't just flesh and bone but that the realm of love has just broken through in the world more powerfully than anything else; I see that Jesus isn't just a ghost or a shadow or a spirit but that justice is on the rise and darkness is on the wain.
What you see with your eyes is physical. What you see with your heart and soul has meaning. These are two different realms of being, and being Thomas' twin, how about living in both.
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