These are resurrection stories where you can only be surprised because each story contains so much more. We symbolise this in the breaking open of Easter eggs. Each reader takes a chocolate egg and breaks it open. Inside have been sealed lots of wee chocolate eggs. They let them break over a table. Once all the readers have read the congregation comes forward to take an egg or a piece of broken chocolate.
Bread and wine:
a table in a village,
two travellers journeying to
and a stranger between them,
and in the breaking of bread,
and the silent explosion of
suddenly it all comes clear:
Jesus is risen!
Fish cooking on the beach,
early at dawn,
from the distance of the lake,
all the disciples could see
was a thin line of smoke,
but in growing closer
everything came into focus,
including the chef on the beach:
Jesus is risen!
Upper room: locked doors,
the disciples pacing,
confused now that Jesus was gone,
yet daring to believe the rumours
of empty tombs and miracles,
and without a lock being turned,
they found the spirit of Jesus
was alive among them:
Jesus is risen!
Among the olive trees and garden,
in the yellow light of dawn,
the gardener came to see
what all the noise was about,
a woman frantic, crying,
and all he said was ‘Mary!’
and all she said was ‘Raboni!’:
Jesus is risen!
In the pews of churches and
and fields and hillsides at dawn,
in cathedrals and chapels,
and hardly noticed by the world,
the loyal faithful who return
each week,
today receive a shock.
This might actually be true!
Jesus is risen!
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