What is it about doing something so obviously obvious that no one gets it? Here's Jesus responding to need in love with grace etc and only the little people get it. The authorities have apoplexy.
Authorities only have power (and thus weak hearts) because they make the rules. Following Jesus doesn't have rules, expect the two Jesus offered: love God, love neighbour. And the more rules you have the further from following Jesus you end up being and the closer to Christianity you become because Christianity it becoming more and more obsessed by rules of what you can and can't do which kills the intuition to respond to people in love with grace etc. I know my own denomination seems to be moving that way. It used to be a broad minded church (and I think still generally is) where people were allowed to respond to the faith freely and lovingly with grace always in tow based on their own conscience, but now it is becoming more obsessed, or at least one wing of it is, with what you are and aren't allowed to do, with discipline, with blanket statements about groups of people.
Just go and love your neighbour. It really is as simple and as difficult as that and as always, those who don't have any authority to lose are best at it. This Faith doesn't suit the 'Suits'. Following Jesus isn't for those who wish crowns or degrees or even 'Revs' in from of their names. They can have their Christianity. If you've got nothing to lose, in other words if you've got your feet firmly on the ground already rather than on some career ladder or high church appointment then you lose the paranoia of keeping everyone in control with a theology you need to understand but find you love neighbour a lot easier.
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