So the prophet has spoken today: swords to ploughshares.
Is wikileaks prophetic?
Are prophets prophetic?
What would make us change our lifestyle to one that was more sustainable and just? Can Wikileaks change behaviour because people might be held to account over decisions and actions and intent or does behaviour change ome with the more vocal style of the prophets screaming in the streets within earshot of his or her hearers about the state of affairs of the their lives?
It strikes me, and I talk from personal experience here, very little makes us change our behaviour. Only when you can relate because you are related in some way to some one affected by your behaviour: only when you see the face, know the name, held accountable to that one person, you know.
How to be a prophet: get to know the ones that call for our behaviour change.
Let's just do wikileaks and sing carols. Easier.
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