I have this idea of telling the story of Jesus using the style of the beatitudes but it needs some helpful input. I've put a list of bits and bobs from Jesus life and look forward to your help in completeing each beatitude...! I've done the first one but do feel free to complete or add. Hopefully this piece of community liturgy will figure in the service on Sunday.
Blessed are the silenced
for you hear the cry of God
Blessed are you who make room at the table
Blessed are you who seek out the lost sheep
Blessed are you who touch the leper
Blessed are you who welcome home the prodigal
Blessed are you who break bread with the stranger
Blessed are you who baptise those who return
Blessed are you who overturn the tables
Blessed are you who heals on the Sabbath
Blessed are you who eats with tax collectors and sinners
Blessed are you who seeks company with the outcast and unclean
Blessed are you who makes friends with your enemy
Blessed are you who turns the other cheek
Blessed are you who loves your neighbour
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