A bowl of apples where one is removed at the beginning of each stanza and placed by the cross at the end of the stanza. This is very close to an idea from a Wild Goose Resource Group liturgy in 'Stages on the way' but adapted for the season and our particular place.
Lord, help us say no
when the world speak about building up investments
in the things of the world
and you want us to invest our selves
in the ways of heaven
Lord, help us say no to the world
and yes to you
Lord, help us say no
to what the world tells us we need
in the accumulation of stuff
when you want us to let go the stuff
and rely on you instead
Lord, help us say no to the world
and yes to you
Lord, help us say no
to the quick fix and ready made answer
that simply patches the cracks
and puts what is out of sight out of mind
when you long for us to explore further
the questions
Lord, help us say no to the world
and yes to you
Lord help us say no
to throwing money at every problem
of feeding the hungry with a direct debt
rather than live in a more equal relationship
with those who are hungry in the world
Lord, help us say no to the world
and yes to you
Lord help us say no
to the easy way the world wants
that involves no pain or hardship
when you call us to carry crosses
and trust the love that bears all
Lord, help us say no to the world
and yes to you
Lord help us say no
to the guilt that shuts us down
that we hold on to for fear of what he world things
when you ask us to confess to you
for there is no fear in your unconditional grace
Lord, help us say no to the world
and yes to you
Lord help us say no
to a faith that speaks empty words
and is borne by hollow actions
when we know of a word
that brings life and calls for just actions
Lord, help us say no to the world
and yes to you
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