Where does Jesus ask Thomas to put his fingers?
In his wound.
This is belief.
As followers of Jesus, we aren't asked to believe in the sense of holding a particular opinion about something. We are asked to believe in the sense of trust. This is a glowing example of that: Put your finger in the wound then you'll discover Jesus is real. Believe and trust go together.
As followers of Jesus, we are asked to put our fingers in the wounds of the world and trust what we are doing. This is belief. It becomes a 'doing' word. Not a term about holding a particular doctrine but about touching the wounds and finding Jesus. Resurrection doesn't need to be about a physically resuscitated body. Resurrection is being aware that in the wounds of the world Jesus is still alive in the same way he was alive to those who were wounded pre-resurrection: in the substantive change called justice that seeks to heal those wounds, in the substantive change called peace that comes living the dream of renewal etc.
Touch the wounds, and believe, not that Jesus parallels what we have in our creeds, but that in these broken places, all Jesus was, Jesus still is: the hopes, the renewal, the longing, the substantive change called God's Realm.
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