There seems to be something positively dangerous and mind expanding about this passage. Everything we say about God and Jesus and Spirit and faith and church is all culturally bound. We imagine God through Western eyes. I'm not saying God wears a tammy but Scottish Presbyterianism can shape God into a particularly dour deity at times. We grab the bits that appeal to our cultural expectations and shape the rest to fit where we are within society.
But then comes Paul's freedom to speak of God as the Unknown God. Wow! It's like throwing away all our presuppositions and starting again: experience God before we put any definition on God. De-packaged.And more than that, God is out to surprise us because whatever we thought then, God's always ready to spring some new moment, insight, thought, experience that shifts things once more. We think we have it all sorted out, then the Almighty does something to show us we didn't know God quite as well as we thought. Makes for an exciting faith-life.
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