It's going to be quite a week folks. Today Rome was meant to have been devastated by a massive earthquake (I've just checked the BBC News and it's okay) and then 21st May is Judgment Day, Rapture and possible end of the world. If not then then 21st October this year.
Well, I won't be thinking about cutting the hedge till next weekend then, just in case I don't have to.
Why do Christians (and other faith folk) go for these daft predictions and always get it spectacularly wrong? Harold Camping and his Family Radio have spent something like 3 million US dollars erecting 1,200 billboards around the US and even more around other parts of the world telling everyone the world is ending, Judgment day is soon and you'd better prepare to meet thy God. I hope their accountants can sleep on the 22nd May! And did they know Mr Camping predicted the end of the world in 1994 too. Got his sums wrong? Glad he's not one of the accountants.
I just want to say: not all Christian's are the same. Most of us want to be a whole lot busier loving, growing justice, living in peace than use up energy and a little too much theology stressing about end of the world predictions.
I'm going for 5 billion years (give or take a year) when the sun grows into a red giant and swallows us up.
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