I grew up in the Scouts and as everyone knows the Scout's motto is: Be Prepared. It never fails.
On Sunday I was preaching in a congregation I hadn't been in before. I normally use my Kindle instead of a sheath of paper for my words and notes for the service, not because it saves paper but because Jean Luc Picard of the Star Ship Enterprise is my role model. However this particular Sunday I thought I would also print out the liturgy, just in case, you never know what might happen in a new congregation.
Having arrived I got ready and took out my Kindle and switched it on and... it was bust! The screen looked like it had cracked and was all pixilated - nothing worked. It just had this look of a shattered screen that wouldn't budge and a wee corner at the bottom that changed but it hadn't anything of any use on it.
I've never been so glad of being a Scout in all my life.
And I've also got a brand new Kindle to replace the broken one from the Kindle people which arrived first thing this morning - impressive.
Now, what is the moral of this tale?
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