Apple now have more cash than the US Government.
Phone hacking is exploding all over the place and uncovering what we all presumed was just a way of life in newspapers.
Press Complaints Commission head resigns which does suggest that the PCC wasn't very good at doing it's job. We knew that.
We've not very good at organising this society of ours.
And Jesus aid: Feed the hungry, love your neighbour, do to others as you'd do to yourself.
The best bit is when Jesus get's doing to doing kingdom stuff he never mentions making disciples of the church or get people to think in the same way as you. He just says: do stuff that loves people into life.
So when 5000+ people are hungry, feed them. That's about all you need to do. The kingdom happens. It's honest, loving, graceful, generous and doesn't need newspaper investigations, PCC, massive debt crises, or anything that's tripping up our world at the moment.
How simple does it need to be?
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