Today we heard of the Three Wise Men / Maggi / Magicians / Kings / Dream Readers / Stargazers (anybody remember their no 1 hit from 1954???) / Distinguished Foreigners / Balthasar, Melchior & Gaspar (Caspar) and their encounter with King Herrod
(Grrr, boo, hiss, "get aff ya numpty" - och come on - it is the Pantomime season after all).
Herrod had asked them to stop by for a glass of mulled wine or something similar to soften them up and after hearing that they were going to find the 'King of the Jews' (and in best pantomime tradition) hatched a plot to get the three wise men to come back & tell him where the infant was.
Luckily the three, probably not so wise men, had a dream in which they were warned to take the scenic route home and not go back to Herrod.
They appeared in Bethlehem some time after Jesus birth, bearing gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh and heeding what they had dreamed, left by the back door.
As a backdrop to the story, our chancel had received a makeover during the past week with our craft group, 'Craft Daft', having installed their much awaited Christmas Triptych which this year shows an 'Angel On High' together with 'The Star', which the 'Three Wise Men' were following.
(click on the image for a larger view and more pics have been added to the 'Gift Sunday' Album)
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