Ah, Chocolate Teapots, so named because a member of this congregation described himself thus after saying he would like to be part of a dialogue between the two of us over the week's texts yet in all the time we did that never offered any words on any of the texts (though he offered far more in other ways that affected things just as much). He would say each week that he was as much use as a chocolate teapot. Thus began a weekly reflection on one of the lectionary texts that may itself have been as much use as a chocolate teapot to whoever reads them.
However, the form chocolate teapots is now going to take will probably change, though I am quite certain it won't disappear. I am moving to a different congregation and this Sunday is my last as minister in Abbotsford. Just saying that makes you bow your head in humility and not a little grief. But the people here are the most fabulous theological clan and have more practical theology, human insight and daring imagination when it comes to scripture and life than I ever met in all the corridors of a university.
There have been many stories told here, a lot of laughter, a healthy cynicism and the gracious and trusting ability to sit at a tangent with scripture and see the funny side as much as the serious side of being a community that has no answers but loves the questions. And the stories that have created the most debate have always been justice issues and bread and wine. Pride is one of the deadly sins but by God I'm proud that these are the topics people have responded to most. Because of that and only because of that, I will be visiting this blog as the whole community evolves through the work of the people here. That's always been this community's life force (of course it has) and always will be.
So no Chocolate Teapots as such this week. The lectionary texts are not the best ones for a good parting, but rather better for a parting that was long due after an unhealthy relationship. Thanks to those who chose the texts this week!
Which brings me to what has always been the life-giving part of this blog and as usual to look to you for insight and laughter through which most of the theology of this faith community has been expressed and lived: what texts would you use for a 'last' Sunday...?
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