We returned to our contemporary communion tonight. Excellent. It is always amazing how we moments come together to make something so obvious yet totally deep.
We gather ed round the table and wrote names and situations and places, each to our own, on the tablecloth. Then in the liturgy of breaking bread we told stories and with each story of someone who had been ignored, or forgotten or lived on the fringe, whoever told that story broke the bread. the break broke more and more as people told their stories. It was a very real sacred moment for me at least as I watched the break break more and more in response to those stories of people on the edge of things.
Once the stories were told it was simple and honest enough to say: these people have broken the break. The marginalized always should, the forgotten always should, the lost always should and tonight they did.
Then we each took bread from the broken pile, broke it again dipping on part in the wine and eating and the other, laying it beside the names we had written on the table cloth.
Following that people were invited to tear off a piece of the cloth, especially a part with a name on it and for people to go an think, pray, discover more about tat person, place, situation and be a blessing towards it. The words of the blessing further down the page were used.
It is great to explore communion and find ancient meaning in the symbols simply by doing it a different way. Dare we be bread and wine people like that.
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