We have an eco-communion tomorrow where we share bread and wine in the context of creation/environment and justice. Tomorrow the liturgy will talk of both bread and wine but we will only share bread and leave the wine on the table symbolic of a creation that is not fully shared with everyone, where so much is taken in the west there isn't enough left for the south let alone for future generations.
Are you allowed to deny people the wine? Of course God's grace is such that it is fully given to all unconditionally. That's why I'm still a follower, but to stop the sharing tomorrow at communion offers a message, a prophecy and a picture of what truly happens to the sacrament of creation (see post below somewhere).
Jesus took bread
grown from the earth
and broke it and said:
This is my body
when you eat of it
share of it all of you
And he took a cup of wine
pressed from the fruit of the land
and said:
This is a sign if my promise
when you drink
drink it with all
do not keep to yourself what is given for all
do not take more for yourself, that others have less
go share the gifts of God with the People of God
let us share this gift of the earth with each other
that is filled with Jesus
But let us share only bread here
for still the world does not share fully what creation offers us
some take so much others have nothing
and a desert is being created for future generations
the wine remains here as a symbol
that the full promise of creation is not yet shared by all
Come let us share bread
and the longing of justice
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